Ultimate Screensaver
Ultimate Screen Savers Collection (CMS Distributing) (1996).ISO
Text File
104 lines
I'M OUT ORDERING INFORMATION__________________________________
Two versions of the I'M OUT screen saver are available.
The home version provides standard messages related to home
activities such as: "I'm at the store" and "I'm at school". The
business version has messages that are appropriate for business
use such as: "I'm in a meeting" and "I'm at lunch". Both
versions allow you to enter your own custom messages.
When you purchase a registered copy of I'M OUT you will recieve:
* The latest, updated version of the I'M OUT software, with no
try-before-you-buy reminder screens.
* Three images sets, containing four images per set.
* The ability to customize I'M OUT with your name.
* The ability to set I'M OUT to automatically start when you have
not used your computer for a pre-set amount of time.
* Printed, illustrated user's manual.
* PSG-HomeCraft's user newsletter.
* Information about future software updates and releases on new
image sets.
* Information about easy ways to get your photographs into your
computer, without having to own a scanner.
ADDITIONAL IMAGE SETS_________________________________________
Additional images are available at the discounted prices listed
below (the regular prices are $24.95/$29.95), when ordered at the
same time as the I'M OUT screen saver. Each of the following
image sets are available only on CD-ROM and each image set
includes 25 images.
(1) Sci-Fi Adventure $19.95 (4) Business $19.95
(2) Sci-Fi/Fantasy $24.95 (5) Out West $19.95
(3) Defenders: Action Heros $19.95
With the purchase of any CD-ROM image set (1 through 4) you'll
receive a FREE copy of the OUT WEST image set! (25 images!).
Plus we'll include a third, surprise bonus set, with another 25
images! That's a total of 75 images!
SITE LICENSES_________________________________________________
If you plan on using I'M OUT on more than one computer, or on a
network, a site license is required. A site license gives you
the right to use I'M OUT on multiple computers. The costs for
site licenses are:
One (1) computer: -- site license does not apply
2-10 computers: $39.95, plus $15.00 per computer
11-25 computers: $39.95, plus $14.00 per computer
26-50 computers: $39.95, plus $13.00 per computer
51-100 computers: $39.95, plus $12.00 per computer
101-500 computers: $39.95, plus $9.00 per computer
501+ computers: $39.95, plus $8.00 per computerI'M OUT ORDER FORM
NAME _______________________________
ADDRESS ____________________________ For the fastest service,
ADDRESS ____________________________ in the U.S. call:
CITY _____________ ST/PROV _________ 1-800-207-7735
ZIP/POSTAL CODE _____________ (orders only)
COUNTRY ______________________
PHONE _______________________ For information call:
Disk size: [] 3-1/2" HD [] 5-1/4" HD (orders and information)
Please check one: [] Home Version
[] Business Version
Please check the image sets you are ordering. The following
prices are valid ONLY when image sets are purchased at the same
tim as the I'M OUT software.
[] Sci-Fi Adventure $19.95 [] Out West $19.95
[] Sci-Fi/Fantasy $24.95 [] Business $19.95
[] Defenders: Action Heros $19.95
Testware Publishing PSG-HomeCraft
46 The Avenue, Harrogate P.O. Box 974
North Yorks, HG1 4QD Tualatin, OR 97062 USA
United Kingdom Orders: 1-800-207-7735
Phone: 01423 886415 Info/Orders: 1-503-692-3732
Fax: 01423 889728 Fax: 1-503-692-0382
BroCo Software JIMAZ s.r.o.
P.O. Box 446 Hermanova 37
3760 AK SOEST 170 00 Praha 7
The Netherlands Czech Republic
Phone: 31-(0)2155-26650 Phone: 42 2 379498
Fax: 31-(0)2155-14012
Registration is $39.95, plus $6.00 s&h in North America.
[] Check/money order enclosed [] Please charge my VISA, Master
Card or American Express card.
Card #__________________________
Expiration Date_________________
NOTE: Prices are subject to change with the release of new